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Luscious  Green  Drusy  Garnets

Drusy Uvarovite Garnets

Drusy Uvarovite Garnets!

Gemologist's Notes:
This pair of drusy uvarovite tongue-shaped drops are an intense grass like green covered with minute garnet crystals atop a chromite matrix.  The drusy texture creates a glittering effect that catches the light with every move.   Drusy Uvarovite Garnet is found mainly in Russia.


Measurements: 15 mm  by 7 mm

Cut Style: polished tongue with drusy face

Color: Green hue
dark tone
strong saturation

Cost: set in  striking earrings

Treatments: It is currently not common practice for Drusy Garnets to be treated.  We believe that these gems are untreated.

Designer Notes:
These drusy garnets would make a gorgeous pair of earrings.....either bezel set alone as a simple dangle or perhaps set with another gemstone such as amethyst, sapphire, tanzanite or diamond. The color and shape combinations are endless.

We liked these drusy garnets so much that we could not resist
setting them in a pair of custom earrings ....

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